Dicksonia antarctica - Soft Tree Fern 40L


Dicksonia antartica (Soft tree fern) 40L
Grows best in semi-shade with plenty of moisture.
These ferns can grow to 15m in height, but more typically grow to about 5m, and consist of an erect rhizome forming a trunk.
They are very hairy at the base of the stipe (trunk). The large, dark green, roughly-textured fronds spread in a canopy of 2-6 m in diameter.
The shapes of the stems vary as some grow curved and there are multi-headed ones.
The trunk of this fern is merely the decaying remains of earlier growth of the plant and forms a medium through which the roots grow. The trunk is usually solitary, without runners, but may produce offsets. They can be cut down and, if they are kept moist, the top portions can be replanted and will form new roots. The stump, however, will not regenerate since it is dead organic matter. In nature, the fibrous trunks are hosts for a range of epiphytic plants including other ferns and mosses.

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